2015/6 Neighbourhood Plan
Completed Activities
Timeline Item
Neighbourhood Planning Regulations published
April 2012
Draft Neighbourhood Plan drafted, consulted on and submitted for examination - Not approved
Neighbourhood Plan Committee reconstituted - publicity and community engagement
June 2014
Collect further data / evidence as required, revisit options, agree revised Neighbourhood Plan vision.
June 2014 - May 2015
Scoping Report for Sustainability Appraisal submitted to Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC) and approved.
Feb 2015
Ongoing Consultation and call for sites
Spring / Autumn 2015
Current Activities
Timeline Item
Neighbourhood Planning Regulations published
Winter 2015
Future Activities
Timeline Item
Neighbourhood Planning Regulations published
Winter 2015
Timeline Item
Appointment of Consultants to advise and work on process and documents
February 2016
Consultants complete review and Pre-Submission documents finalised
March / April 2016
Pre-Submission community workshop on the draft Neighbourhood Plan
April / May 2016
3 weeks notice required in Parish
Pre-Submission consultation on draft Neighbourhood plan (6 weeks)
April / June 2016
Respond to comments. Amend and finalise Neighbourhood Plan documents and submit to MSDC for compliance check.
June 2016
Submission consultation on Final Neighbourhood Plan submission draft (6 weeks)
July / August 2016
Examination - submission of all Neighbourhood Plan documents to an Independent Examiner
Autumn 2016
Depends on Examiner availability
Referendum within local community
Winter 2016 / 2017
Depend son length of Examiner review / Hearing? / Outcome.