The NPPF sets out planning policies for England as a whole and how they are expected to be applied by Local Planning Authorities. The MSLP and draft MSDP contain the planning policies for all of Mid Sussex.
Our policies will be ADDITIONAL to the district and national policies; all together they will form the full set of policies that would apply in Slaugham Parish.
Policy Context
The Slaugham Parish Neighbourhood Plan will need to comply with both national and local planning policies.The Mid Sussex District Plan Sustainability Appraisal reviewed all programmes, policies, strategies, guidance and initiatives that have influenced the development of the District Plan. The Slaugham Parish Neighbourhood Plan and Sustainability Appraisal will need to be in conformity with the District Plan or Local Plan, whichever is in place at time of examination. It is therefore not proposed to review all relevant international, national and local documents in this scoping report.
Take this link to see a summary of the local programmes, plans and other documents which influence the Neighbourhood Plan, in addition to those outlined above. Key objectives and indicators have been identified from the District Plan and these have been incorporated into the sustainability framework and used to inform baseline data and the identification of key issues.
The aims, objectives and indicators from these policy documents have been used to supplement the Slaugham Parish Neighbourhood Plan sustainability objectives set out in this Scoping Report. It should be noted that the policy context for the Slaugham Parish Neighbourhood Plan Sustainability Appraisal is not static.
Therefore, as further relevant plans or programmes are developed, they will be reviewed and incorporated within the assessment at future stages of publication of this Sustainability Appraisal report.
Our Policies will be published here in due course...