Plans and Programmes

This document sets out the Government’s planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied. It provides a framework for District and Neighbourhood Plans.
The Neighbourhood Plan will need to pay particular regard to this new Planning Framework.
This provides guidance on how to interpret the NPPF and how to carry out such work
Neighbourhood Plan should follow the Guidance.
This document was statutorily adopted in 2004. It defines built up area boundaries and contains some policies that have been retained in the District Plan.
MSLP Policies for Slaugham Parish Council have been retained and will need to be taken into account in the Neighbourhood Plan
The draft District Plan has been written in the context of the Localism Act and changes to the planning system. It sets out strategic policies and provides the framework for subsequent planning documents including Neighbourhood Plans.
The Neighbourhood Plan will need to comply with the strategic aims and policies of the District Plan.
Identifies the important features of the AONB and sets out guidance and objectives on the ways in which these features can be protected, restored and enhanced.
As the parish is located entirely within the AONB, the NP will need to take full account of the aims of AONB designation and the land and countryside management issues in this document.
This survey identifies the areas of ancient woodland within Mid Sussex.
Ancient woodland is a key biodiversity asset for the parish and needs to be recognised in the Neighbourhood Plan.
Focuses resources to conserve and enhance biodiversity in Sussex by means of local partnerships taking account of national and local priorities.
The Neighbourhood Plan will need to take account of nature conservation and biodiversity issues.
Sets out infrastructure requirements that development will be expected to contribute towards.
The Neighbourhood Plan should contain a policy on infrastructure to comply with these requirements.
The study identifies the capacity of the Mid Sussex landscape to accommodate strategic development.
The study has been a key piece of evidence in the formulation of policies concerning the District’s landscape
Lists and describes the buildings included in the List of Buildings of Special Arch and Historic Interest
The Neighbourhood Plan will take account of the need to protect and conserve this asset.
Identifies and describes sites of importance
The Neighbourhood Plan will need to contain policies to protect these sites

Other documents which have informed the Scoping Report and which will inform the Neighbourhood Plan 

OCSI Rural Community Profile for Slaugham Parish (November 2013)
Slaugham Parish Plan (2011)
Housing Needs Survey for Slaugham Parish (October 2010)
Handcross Community centre Survey (2010)
Slaugham Village Design Statement (2011)
Warninglid Village Design Statement (January 2012)
State of the Parish Report (October 2012)