Slaugham Parish Council invites owners and managers of land in the Parish of Slaugham, who are
considering development of that land within the next twenty years and would like their land to be
considered for inclusion within the scope of the Slaugham Neighbourhood Plan under the provisions of
the Localism Act 2011, to write to:
The Clerk, Slaugham Parish Council, 2 Coltstaple Cottages, Coltstaple Lane, Horsham, RH13 9BB
Please enclose the completed Development Site Proposal forms which are available here:
Form (Page One)
Form (Page Two)
Please complete
separate Development Site Proposal forms (both pages) for each site that you would like considered. Please sign
the forms and state the position of the signatory.
Please enclose a site location map at a scale of no less than 1:2500, clearly marked with the location
and boundaries of the site being put forward and indicate the area(s) to be developed.
The closing date for receipt of Development Site Proposal forms and required accompanying
documents is 24th September 2015.
The call for sites is an informal opportunity for individuals and organizations to propose sites with
Slaugham Parish for development. It will enable the Slaugham Neighbourhood Plan Team to better
understand the needs and wishes of the electors within its Parish area, but the call for sites will not in
itself decide whether a site should be allocated for development, nor will it commit the Proposer(s) to
applying for planning consent. The site proposal forms and accompanying documents will be used to
inform the preparation of the Land Allocation and Site section of the Slaugham Neighbourhood Plan.
The proposals will be assessed for compliance with the basic conditions that a Neighbourhood Plan
must meet, for example, sustainable development, general conformity with the strategic policies
contained in the Mid Sussex Development Plan and housing needs assessments. The proposals will
also be considered in the light of the consultation responses received from Slaugham Parish’s electors.
The Slaugham Neighbourhood Plan Team may request further information from Proposers. It is likely
that not all proposals received will meet the requirements for inclusion in the Land Allocation and Site
section. The outcome of the section selection will be advised to Proposers and published together with
reasons for decisions and cannot be treated confidentially. Sites selected for inclusion in the Land
Allocation and Site section will need to be judged against the needs of the Parish and relevant planning
policies when they are submitted for planning permission and Slaugham Parish Council reserves its
right to consider any subsequent planning application afresh with an open mind.
The resultant Neighbourhood Plan, in accordance with the provisions of the Localism Act 2011, will
need to be successfully assessed by an Independent Examiner followed by a majority of votes cast in a
referendum of the Slaugham Parish electors, before being adopted. Once adopted, the Slaugham
Neighbourhood Plan will be used by Mid Sussex District Council as part of their planning guidelines for
assessing planning applications.
Please note the following in relation to Affordable Housing:
The affordable housing requirements for new developments must comply with planning policies set out
by Mid Sussex District Council. Sites that are promoted for housing will be expected to include a
proportion of affordable housing in line with the requirements of the District Council.